Eternity与Genesys II的全景音乐之旅探索Anyma的无限旋律世界

在北京的清新的春风中,2024年4月25日,一场跨界合作的盛事悄然展开。杜比实验室,这个沉浸式娱乐体验的领跑者,与Anyma——Tale Of Us成员Matteo Milleri以个人音乐人的身份创作的作品——携手共进,共同推动杜比全景声音乐技术的新篇章。这次合作不仅仅是简单的联合,而是一个深度融合,让人可以通过《Eternity》这首由Anyma演绎的情感旋律与他人之间的心灵桥梁建立更加紧密的情感联系。

这个令人惊叹的一刻正值Anyma最新专辑《Genesys II》的发布,它于3月29日通过Afterlife/Interscope发行。现在,粉丝们能够在Apple Music上使用杜比全景声体验来探索《Eternity》和《Genesys II》的世界。Matteo Milleri(Anyma)分享了他第一次尝试杜比全景声时所感受到的心灵震撼:“我被空间感所吸引,我想要把每一个细节都呈现出来,就像我编织故事一样。”

为了让粉丝能够更好地体验这份心灵之旅,Duby官方小程序“DuBy Dolby One”提供了一处独家线上的沉浸式体验页面。在这里,你可以用杜比全景声真实地感觉到《Eternity》,同时,还能观看Anyma幕后的采访了解他的第一印象,以及对《Eternity》的创作灵感。

Todd Pendleton, DuBy实验室全球高级副总裁兼首席营销官表示:“这是我们‘更DuBy,更热爱’新篇章的一个重要里程碑真正展示了如何利用DuBy全景声来融入音乐中的情感旅程。”He continued to say that Anyma's creativity is endless and they are thrilled to have DuBy full audio help global fans feel the music world of Eternal and Genesys II in a more realistic and vivid way.

DuBy full audio is not just a new way of creating or experiencing music, but also a bridge between musicians and their fans. It goes beyond the ordinary listening experience, immersing you in songs with exceptional clarity and layering. You can hear different levels of instruments swirling around you, capture the subtle breaths between lyrics from the singer or immerse yourself in waves of melodies. Nothing can bring you into music like DuBy full audio does.

The latest phase of "More DuBry, More Love" global brand campaign video was directed by Colin Tilley, a Grammy-nominated music video director and filmmaker. The "More DuBry, More Love" campaign launched in China on January 1st this year with Ed Sheeran performing an exclusive concert video short film introducing his new hit song "Magical". In this recent episode of the campaign video series as well as showcasing breakthrough experiences watching movies using both Dolby Vision & Dolby Atmos at select theaters worldwide

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