Byford,一个源自英国列斯特郡的国际男士服装品牌,其历史可以追溯到1914年,当时一个只有16岁的Donald Byford开始在当地跟随袜子商人Roland Myhill学习针织行业。在1919年,Donald Byford决定独立开创自己的事业,并在贝德福德街上建立了自己的工厂,这栋大厦最初有八间房,为Byford奠定了其国际品牌形象的基础。随着时间的推移,Byford逐渐扩大业务,一922年的时期,他已经将生产迁移到了整个大厦,从而成为当时著名的袜子工厂。Throughout its history, innovation has been at the core of Byford's philosophy, not just limited to product design but also in marketing and production. This forward-thinking approach has been a key factor in the brand's success. In 1951, Donald Byford took his business to new heights by expanding beyond producing socks into other knitwear products. This bold move paid off handsomely for the brand. For his contributions to the textile industry, Donald Byford was awarded an MBE by Queen Elizabeth II in 1967. Building on this success, Byford became the largest manufacturer of pure wool knitwear in Britain and received an award from the International Wool Secretariat in 1969.
Today, with over 1300 retail points worldwide mostly located within high-end department stores and regions, Byford continues to expand its range of traditional yet modern men's clothing series that includes a wide variety of products and accessories. Leveraging its brand strength and leadership position, the company is constantly exploring new opportunities with partners to strengthen its presence on international markets and expand its network.