
在一战前的英国列斯特郡,一个名为Byford的男士服装品牌诞生了。故事始于1914年,当时一个才十六岁的少年Donald Byford开始跟随袜子商人Roland Myhill,在当地以针织业为主的列斯特郡接受训练。一九一九年,Donald Byford踏上了自己的创业之路,他创立了Byford这个品牌。在贝德福德街上,他购得了一座拥有八间房的大厦,将其作为生产工场,并为Byford打下了成为国际知名品牌的坚实基础。随着时间的推移,业务迅速扩张,一九二二年的Byford已经占据了整栋大厦,每间房都充满活力,成为了当时最著名的袜子工厂。

From the very beginning, innovation has been at the core of Byford's philosophy. It's not just about staying ahead of the curve but also about making bold moves that shape the future. This pioneering spirit extends beyond marketing and production to product design, which has been a key factor in Byford's success.

In 1951, Donald Byford took a daring step by expanding his business from producing socks to other knitwear products. This move proved to be highly rewarding for him. In 1967, he was awarded an honor by Queen Elizabeth II for his contributions to the textile industry. Building on their success with woolen sweaters and knit shirts, Byford became one of Britain's largest producers of pure wool marked knitwear in 1969 and received a commendation from the International Wool Secretariat.

Over time, Byford expanded its presence across Asia and Middle East regions during the nineties. Today, their traditional yet contemporary men's clothing series continues to expand into full range of male apparel products and accessories.

With over 1300 retail points worldwide mainly located in high-end department stores around globe regionally speaking ,the group management will continue working closely with partners to explore more opportunities further strengthening their position on international market place .

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