他们甚至展示了一系列看似真实的资料,如网络宣传材料、现场发布会照片和视频,以及自己亲自去洽谈影片份额的情景录像。一时间,这个群内热闹非凡,每个人都希望能够跟随这两个“导师”一起赚钱。当“刘经理”,claimed to be a project manager from Beijing Culture Transmission Co., Ltd. suddenly appeared in the group, announcing that the recognition of movie shares was limited and first-come, first-served, Li's enthusiasm reached its peak.
She paid 52000 yuan as a deposit and later transferred an additional 468000 yuan after receiving documents such as transfer agreement guides, holding certificates for film rights income, receipts for film rights income transfers. However, months turned into years without any sign of the films being released. When she asked about the progress from her "guides," they kept brushing her off until she realized that everything had been a scam when she discovered that the group had been disbanded.
Li then went online to research similar cases and found out about this massive fraud scheme. She reported it to Shenjiaoping Police Station in Shenyang City. As of now, this case is under investigation by authorities.
The police warn citizens not to fall prey to such schemes which use short-term investment or high returns as bait. They urge everyone to pay attention to anti-fraud propaganda and learn about scammers' tactics while investing through legitimate channels only.